XAML – Extensible Application Markup Language
Some of the Codejock controls that support XAML captions or text.
- Calendar
- Charts
- Command Bars
- CheckBox
- Docking Panes
- FlowGraph
- Label
- List Box
- Push Button
- Radio Button
- Report Control Cells/Rows/Groups
- ShortCut Bars
- Status Bars
- Tab Control
- Task Dialog
- TaskPanel
- Tree View
A few of the Codejock controls that support XAML Tooltips (ToolTip Context Object)
- Buttons
- Check Boxes
- Command Bars
- Docking Panes
- Markup Labels
- Property Grids
- Radio Buttons
- Report Control Cells/Rows/Groups
- ShortCut Bars
- Status Bars
- Task Panels
Note: A general understanding of standard XML and XAML from WPF (the programming interface for Windows Presentation Foundation) will be beneficial when working with Markup. The markup dialect used by Codejock controls use the same basic syntax of XAML from WPF. Please note that valid XAML syntax is required, but not every XAML feature is currently supported.
That’s where the XAML Trainer comes in.
It makes learning Codejock XAML easy.
- See your changes, a real time WYSIWYG editor
- XAML syntax colorization is supported
It will be available for downloading after the CJ 16.4.0 and RegFree COM conversions are completed.
Screen Shots
Examples of XAML in use…
Other uses